Ready To Switch To Solar Power?

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Trusted Solar Panel Installers

*A qualified solar advisor will contact you to customize a quote for maximum savings!

Trusted Solar Installations Since 1986

As experienced solar installers, we understand the challenges of setting up and servicing solar equipment and the importance of securing your investment against possible strong winds, hot summers, and other corrosive conditions that can affect your solar panels. The bottom line is we have the experience to help you tap into the power of the sun – no matter where you live.

$0 Down Financing

There are several options to finance your solar system. We'll walk you through your choices and help you decide what's best for you.

We Handle It All

From design and engineering to permitting, construction, and installation, we handle everything to make it easy for you.

Trusted Industry Experts

Solar Direct is licensed and insured and for over 30 years, we've proudly installed solar for thousands of homes and businesses.

30 Year End-To-End Coverage On Your Solar Panel Installation

Now Offering The Most Trusted Extended Solar Warranty!


Your Solar, Made Easy



Free Quote

Fill out the form above to get started! Request a free savings report directly to your inbox, or schedule a call with a solar advisor to learn more.



A solar advisor will visit your home or set up a virtual consultation to confirm the details of your report and answer any questions.



We handle the rest! From permitting to installation, our experienced team makes it as easy as possible for you to start saving with solar!

Your "Need to Know" Solar Guide


How much you save depends on how much electricity you use and how much you generate with your solar system. In the process called “net metering,” when you have a grid-tied solar system installed (the most common type of installation), you’ll use the energy you need and the rest of the energy you’ve produced is sent back to the grid, which you get a credit for each month. You are compensated one kilowatt hour for every kilowatt hour you send back to the grid. For example, if your utility bill is initially $175 and you’ve sent $150 worth of energy to the grid, your actual utility bill will be $25.

There are several financing options for solar panel installation. The most popular is a home solar loan which is available for $0 down for qualified buyers. There are unique benefits to this kind of home improvement because your loan payment combined with your reduced electric bill should be lower than your pre-solar electric bill, which actually saves you money monthly.

This depends on where you live, but the average increase in the United States, according to a 2019 analysis conducted by Zillow, is about 4.1%. In most situations, this increase alone covers the cost of your entire system!

No. You are exempt from paying additional property taxes on the property value increase that results from solar installation.

No. Solar panels and installation are sales tax exempt!

No problem! Our team of expert engineers will evaluate your home and property to locate the optimal spot for your panels to absorb the maximum amount of sunlight. We’ll customize an illustration of your property with the design concept and review the details with you prior to installation.

SunXSolar is fully licensed, insured and certified with over 30 years of hands-on experience installing solar for businesses and homeowners. We use our knowledge to continuously improve our business practices and extensively evaluate the best system components for efficiency and durability. We are able to use our buying power to pass on affordable factory prices to our customers, ensuring you get the most value out of your dollar.

Our Process