Covering All Your Solar Service Needs

Solar System Removals, Reinstalls, Repairs & General Service

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We've Got You Covered

Solar Electric

Solar Pool Heaters

Solar Water Heaters

Our Process

Removals & Reinstalls

Our service technicians are insured, so your panels are protected. Licensed professionals have proper safety gear to prevent falls, electrical accidents, and costly damage when you need your solar panels removed and reinstalled for roof repairs.

Inspection & Diagnosis

Get an expert assessment from our team of highly competent engineers and technicians who will analyze your system and/or design components and provide a comprehensive performance recovery plan.

Repairs & Replacements

Whether it's replacing several residential solar pool heating panels, or troubleshooting a large commercial solar photovoltaic system, you can count on Solar Direct's Florida Solar Installers to complete each project restoration with professional, qualified service.

System Upgrades

When you're ready to upgrade or expand your solar system, our team of experts is here to help identify cost-effective improvements to increase your solar system's performance and efficiency.